Training Policy

We have been in involved in medical training for many years. This not only includes medical students from Keele & Manchester University but also those who have qualified but who are undertaking specialist training in General Practice. This is an exciting aspect of the practice and allows a chance to demonstrate what it’s like to work in a semi-rural area.

Dr Todd is responsible for medical students and Dr Staite organises the specialist training at postgraduate level. Most ‘Trainees’ are from the Shropshire training scheme and attend further training in Shrewsbury every week. All doctors, nurses and staff are involved in the training of GPs to give them a well-rounded experience of what it means to work in primary care within a well-structured and organised team.

Sometimes a doctor or medical student will be sitting in with the doctor you are seeing. This is part of their training and requires your consent. All consultations are bound by the usual confidentially rules. If for any reason you would prefer not to have them sitting in please let the receptionist or doctor know so we can arrange this. Occasionally consultations are videoed so they can be used to assess a doctor’s consulting skills. Written consent both before and after the consultation is required and the consultations are only kept for the training period and then destroyed. Again, if you any concerns regarding a video-ed consultation please let us know.

We are proud to be a training practice and enjoy the opportunity to show those training with us how our practice works in this area.

We have recently become involved with Medical Research based at Keele University; more information regarding this will follow.